The Ministry of Health is expanding the list of active substances and drugs that may be admitted to trading in non-pharmacy outlets.The list includes several changes.On August 5, the Journal of Laws published the ordinance of the Minister of Health on the list of active substances included in medicinal products that may be admitted to trading in non-pharmacy outlets and pharmacy outlets, and on the criteria for classifying these products to individual lists.The regulation enters into force on the day following its announcement, i.e. on August 6, 2022.Pursuant to the regulation, the following changes were introduced:The regulation introduces the following changes:For the sake of order, the catalog contained in paragraph1 point 2, the active substance Duloxetinum with the ATC code N06AX21 was added, due to its presence in the list of active substances present in medicinal products authorized for marketing in pharmacy outlets (table no. 1, item 240).Due to the deletion of lipoic acid from this list, the substance Duloxetinum was included due to its analgesic use in diabetic neuropathy.Escherichia coli bacterial culture suspensions have been added to the catalog of medicinal products that may be traded in pharmacies.The applications submitted as part of public consultations and issuing opinions were complied with and the following substances were added to the list of active substances listed in Table 1: doxylamine (due to the change of the category of availability of one of the drugs containing doxylamine from Rx to OTC) and insulinum degludec and semaglutidum (based on extending the availability of products used in the treatment of diabetes), lecithinum soiae.The Latin names in the tables were corrected and synonymous names were added.With regard to the raw materials: Allii cepae bulbus, Cnici benedicti herba, Leonuri cardiacae, they were unintentionally deleted as a result of legislative work during the reorganization of the tables after the public consultation process.The tables have been supplemented with the above raw materials.The request was granted, inter alia,Of the Polish Herbal Committee, including the consideration of Epilobia angustifolii herba as a plant starting material for the production of herbal active substances included in medicinal products authorized for marketing in pharmacy outlets.Table 3 of Appendix No. 1 and Table No. 1 of Appendix No. 2 have been supplemented with this raw material.Applications submitted as part of public consultations and issuing opinions were accepted, and Table 3 of Annex 1 and Table 1 of Annex 2 were supplemented with: aloe ferox (traditionally used plant material), citrus aurantium (ingredient of e.g. stomach drops), taraxaci herba (medicinal products containing dandelion herb are on the market).The entries containing the substance tanaceti parthenii herba (Tanaceti herba) have also been divided into two separate entries, as they concern separate plants: the pyrethrum and tansy.The pharmaceutical form and the content of active substances in the packaging of medicinal products containing lecithin (non-classified medicinal products) were determined, as well as the packaging size of this product.No. 3 has been deleted from Table 3.132 as it contains the merged entries 130 and 131 from the subject table.Due to the information obtained that there is no medicine in the form applied on the skin containing Diclofenacum kalicum with a strength of 12.5 mg / g in the register of medicinal products admitted to marketing in the territory of the Republic of Poland, this item was deleted from Table 3. The substance was originally entered Diclofenacum kalicum due to the prior presence of Diclofenacum natrium in medicines applied to the skin, bearing in mind that salts, esters, ethers, isomers, isomer mixtures, complexes or derivatives of an active substance authorized for the market shall be considered the same active substance, if they do not differ they differ significantly from the active substance in terms of their properties with regard to safety or efficacy.The applications submitted as part of public consultations and opinions were granted, and therapeutic products from the P03A therapeutic group, antiparasitic agents, were added to the list.This group includes traditional herbal medicinal products such as Delacet or Artemisol, which have been available on the market for many years, and are dispensed without a prescription.Additionally, the items 20a, 20b, 31a, 31b, 51a, 51b, 67a, 71a, 71b, 71c, 111a, 116a, 124a were added to the table No. 3 and the new substance was replaced with item 132.The Latin names in the tables were corrected and synonymous names were added.In order to avoid interpretative doubts, the pharmaceutical form was standardized in items: 23, 26, 42, 43, 90 in Table 3 of Appendix 2 and Table 13, 15, 20, 38 of Table 2 of Appendix 3.In Annex 3 to the Regulation, the application submitted as part of public consultations and issuing opinions was granted, and a substance was added in Table 2, the item containing Diphenhydramini hydrochloridum + Lidocaini hydrochloridum monohydricum, and, consequently, the substance Diphenhydramini hydrochloridum was added to the list in Table 1.READ ALSO: The collapse of the drug market in Poland?Wholesalers and Chambers warn against this possibilitySource: Puls MedycynyThe analysis of the Association of Polish Poviats shows that over 130 poviat hospitals will not be able to pay the statutory pay rises for the personnel of basic activities.The problem with finding funds for the payment of statutory increases is not only due to the adoption of the Act on the minimum wage.It is rather a consequence of the inadequate level of valuation and its unification on a national scale - some institutions have benefited financially from such a policy, choosing for implementation those services that were valued the highest by the National Health Fund - says Zbigniew Król, MD, PhD, MD, deputy director for clinical affairs. and research centers of the Central Hospital of the Ministry of Interior and Administration in Warsaw.In the next episode of the podcast "Puls Medycyny do listen", the guest of editor Ewa Kurzyńska is Dr. Anna Golke from the Warsaw University of Life Sciences, with whom she explains her doubts about bacterial zoonotic infections.The only guarantee of the proper performance of the profession of a laboratory diagnostician are those who complete a 5-year uniform master's degree program in the field of medical analyst - emphasizes the diagnosticians' self-government, referring to the postgraduate education program in the field of medical analytics announced by the Minister of Health.The uncontrolled creation of medical courses at non-medical universities may threaten the safety of patients in the future, believes Łukasz Jankowski, President of the Supreme Medical Council.