Oriental medicine considers medlar as a medicine that mainly acts on the digestive system.Son tra is also known as North Son Tra, Southern Son Tra, and Wild Son Tra.Scientific name Crataegus pinnatifida Bunge (Northern medlar, medlar), Crataegus cuneata Sieb.et Zucc.(Nam Son Tra, Wild Son Tra);belongs to the family Rosaceae.Fructus Crataegi is a thinly sliced or dried ripe fruit of the northern or southern medlar.North medlar (Crataegus pinnatifida) is a tree 6m high, small branches often have thorns.Leaves 5 - 10 cm long, 4 - 7 cm wide, with 3 - 5 lobes, serrated margins, underside along veins smooth, petioles 2 - 6 cm long.Flower pattern 5, fused into canopy.Calyx smooth, white petals, 20 stamens.Fruit globose, 1-1.5cm in diameter, crimson when ripe.Crataegus cuneata (Crataegus cuneata) is 15m high, with 5-8mm small spines.Leaves are 2 - 6 cm long, 1 - 4.5 cm wide, with 3 - 7 lobes, hairy at first, smooth later.Flower pattern 5, fused into canopy.Petals white, 20 stamens.The fruit is spherical, 1-1.2cm in diameter, yellow or red when ripe.Vietnam is currently exploiting with the name medlar or sour, the fruit of two different tree species.Sour plant, also known as tapeworm (Tay) has the scientific name Malus doumeri (Bois) Chev.or Docynia doumeri (Bois) Schneid.Belongs to the Rose family (Rosaceae).This tree is 10-15m tall, the young tree has thorns.Leaves are oval in shape, 6 - 15 cm long, 3 - 6 cm wide, with serrated edges.The flowers are in agreement with 3 - 5 flowers, the flower pattern is 5, the petals are white.The fruit is round, slightly flattened, yellow-green when ripe, 5-6cm in diameter, 4-5cm high, slightly sour taste.Flowering season January - February, fruit season September - October, this tree is often exploited in Cao Bang, Lang Son.The apple tree, also known as the cat tree, has the scientific name Docynia indica (Mall.).Dec.belongs to the rose family (Rosaceae).Small trees 5-6m high, young trees have thorns branches.Leaves variegated, in young plants alternate leaves, 3 - 5 lobes sawn, edges have irregular serrations.In the mature stage, the leaves are oval in shape, 6 - 10 cm long, 2 - 4 cm wide, with edges intact or slightly toothed.The flower is a combination of 103 flowers, pattern 5, white petals.Stamens 30 - 50. Fruit globose, 3 - 4cm in diameter, yellow-green when ripe, sour, slightly acrid.Flowering season in March, fruit season in September - October. Apples grow wild and are grown in Lai Chau, Yen Bai, Son La, Lao Cai at an altitude of 1,000m.There is also the tree Docynia delavayi (Franch).Schneid flower season in March, fruit in June - July. The leaves of this plant are stiffer than the upper tree, and the underside of the leaves are hairy and thicker.The fruit is similar but has a longer stem.Also purchased under the name medlar or medlar.Previously, Shantra was completely imported from China.In recent years, our country has used tamarind and sour apples with the name medlar.But these two plants are different from the true medlar (Crataegus) and therefore need to be studied to compare their use.In terms of chemical composition, fresh medlar fruit meat contains 0.7% protein, 0.2% fat, 22% sugar, organic acids such as crategolic acid, malic acid, oxalic acid, succinic acid, acetic acid, citric acid, ursolic acid, linoleic acid, linolenic acid, palmitic acid, oleic acid, stearic acid, rich in vitamin C (0.03% - 0.1%, ranked fourth among fruits rich in vitamin C) , vitamin B2 (ranked first in fruits, on par with bananas and peppers), carotene (ranked second in fruits) and calcium (each 100g of medlar contains 85mg of calcium, the highest among fruits). ).In addition, medlar also contains lead, iron, tannin, acetylcholine, phytosterrin.In the last ten years, from the results of modern studies, scientists have increasingly found that medlar has quite a variety of pharmacological effects such as:- Improve the functioning of the digestive system: promote the secretion of gastric juice and bile, increase the activity of digestive enzymes such as amylolytic enzymes, lipolytic enzymes..., regulate the contraction of gastric smooth muscle and intestine.- Inhibit some bacteria such as dysentery bacilli, coli, anthrax, diphtheria, typhoid, green pus and yellow staphylococcus;Black sage is capable of absorbing necrotic substances and toxins of bacteria, reducing irritation of the intestinal wall and reducing intestinal motility, thereby reducing pain, dysentery and loosening.- Lowering blood fat, especially cholesterol, inhibits the deposition of fat in the vessel wall, so it has a positive effect on preventing the progression of atherosclerosis.- Lowering blood pressure, dilating and increasing coronary artery flow, reducing myocardial oxygen consumption, thereby improving cardiovascular system performance and effectively preventing arterial diseases. rim.- Anti-platelet aggregation.- Strengthen the body's immunity.- Dilates the bronchi, promotes the activity of the microvilli in the bronchial walls, thereby having the effect of sputum clearing asthma.- Regulate menstruation, relieve pain and make the uterus recover quickly after childbirth.- Calm, calm.- Anti-oxidant, protect liver cells.- Prevention of cancer.Uses and dosagesCurrently, Eastern and Western medicine use medlar for two different purposes.Western medicine considers medlar (flower, fruit, leaf) to be a medicine that mainly acts on circulation (heart and blood vessels) and relieves pain and sedation.Oriental medicine considers medlar as a medicine that mainly acts on the digestive system.According to ancient documents, medlar has a sour and sweet taste, is calculated in the three meridians of Pi, taste and can, and can digest all kinds of meat stored in the stomach.However, in ancient documents, records about medlar also added that medlar can break gas, stasis, sputum, detoxify fish, paint sores, treat cholera, treat clots, blood clots, and relieve pain. , at the same time noted: "eating a lot of medlar damages teeth, people who are thin and have schizophrenia should not eat ...".Dosage in traditional medicine: 3-10g per day in the form of a decoction, drink a taste or combine with other herbs.Western medicine is used in the form of a liquid extract (3 - 4 times a day, 20 to 30 drops each time) to treat cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure and pain relief.Prescriptions that use medlar in oriental medicine:1. Treatment of indigestion: 10g medlar, only 6g, 5g bare skin, 2g Hoang Lien, 600ml water, 200ml remaining color, divided into 3 times a day.2. Cure fishbone choking: 15g medlar, thicken with 200ml of water, hold for a long time and then swallow.3. Cure scabies, paint sores: cook medlar water to bathe.4. Treatment of amenorrhea due to blood stasis or postpartum abdominal pain due to stagnation. Use: 30g of medlar, remove the body, and mix 25g of cane sugar.The experience of Chu Dan Khe only uses medlar poison, in case of menstrual pain, abdominal pain after childbirth, the amniotic fluid can't stop coming out, can increase the amount of dong quai, cross the frame, and benefit the mother.In case of gas fluke (intestinal prolapse), abdominal pain and tension, can be used together with repatriation, Quat ganglia.5. Treatment of acute dysentery, acute colitis: 60g of medlar, lightly burned with 30g of white wine, mix well to dry the wine, boil water for 15 minutes (for 200ml of water), discard the body for 60g of boiling red sugar, Drink while the medicine is still hot, day 1.Or a remedy: 120g of burnt medlar, 30g of white pea flower, day 1 of day 1 of excellent oral treatment for acute dysentery and colitis.Son tra 30g, water color for 30g cane sugar, small tea leaves in hot boiling water, stir for 30 minutes, drink to treat dysentery.6. High blood lipids: medlar, malt is made into tea, drink 2 times a day, 1 pack of 30g each time, 2 weeks each course.7. Treatment of angina, coronary heart disease: the author used medlar leaf extract to make a member, 25mg each, 4 tablets each time, 3 times a day, a course of 4 weeks.8. Treatment of pyelonephritis: every day use live medlar 100g with cold boiling water for 15-20 minutes, decoction 3 times, each time 500ml (adult amount, children use 1/3 of adult), one 14 day course9. Treatment of hiccups: drink a decoction of live medlar, 15ml each time for adults, 3 times a day.10. Treatment of laryngeal polyps: Use 24 - 30g of black pepper twice a day to get 1,500ml of medicinal water, let it cool and slowly drink it all.Sign in to commentLogin with socailYou have successfully submitted.Editor-in-Chief: TRAN TUAN LINHDeputy Editor-in-Chief: TO QUANG TRUNG (Permanent), TRAN YEN CHAU, NGUYEN NGOC DUC, NGUYEN CHI LONGPress operation license number 390/GP-BTTTT issued by the Ministry of Information and Communications on June 25, 2021© Copyright by Health and Life Online Newspaper - The mouthpiece of the Ministry of Health.EDITING INFORMATION Head office: No. 138A Giang Vo - Ba Dinh District - Hanoi City Phone: 024.3846.1042 - Fax: 024.3844.3144 Hotline: 0904.852.222 Email: toasoan@suckhoedoisong.vnCONTACT ADVERTISINGPhone: 0888.669.909 - Email: ads@suckhoedoisong.vnREPRESENTATIVE OFFICE- Ho Chi Minh City: No. 213 and 495 Dien Bien Phu - District 3 - City.Ho Chi Minh - Northeast Area: Hai Phuc Street - Hong Hai Ward - City.Ha Long - Quang Ninh Province