Chinese herbal medicine recommendations for COVID-19 |The Epoch Times in Spanish

2022-04-22 23:31:38 By : Ms. Shining Xia

What we do know is that a team of over 100 Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) experts was dispatched to Wuhan, China on January 25, 2020 to test patients in hospitals with Coronavirus.The following information was submitted by a number of TCM doctors and is a comprehensive list of TCM diagnoses and suggested Chinese herbal formulas for the treatment of Coronavirus.As we know, SARS was successfully treated with Chinese herbal medicine when the outbreak occurred in China in 2002.The following information is for practitioners of Chinese herbal medicine.If you need any of these formulas, please contact us at you are not a practitioner and need any of these herbal formulas please contact us and we can help you find a Licensed Acupuncturist with herbal training in your area to guide you.Thanks to the doctors in China who have shared this information.The goal here is to help spread awareness of the Chinese herbal formulas that are best suited to combat this virus.5 q Jin Yin Hua Lonicerae Japonicae, Flos5 q Lian Qiao Forsythiae Suspensae, Fructus3q Chan Tui Cicadae Periostracum3 q Bai Jiang Can Bombyx Batryticatus2 q Bo He Mentae Haplocalycis, Herba2 q Sheng Gan Cao Glycyrrhizai Uralensis, Radix (raw)Prepare a tea and drink it throughout the day for 7-10 days.4 q Cang Zhu Atractylodis, Rhizome5 q Bai Zhu Atractylodis Macrocephalae, Rhizome5 q Huang Qi Astragali Membranacei, Radix3 q Fang Feng Ledabouriellae Divaricatae, Radix4 q Huo Xiang Agastaches seu Pogostemi, Herba5 q Bei Sha Shen Adonophorae seu Glehniae, Radix6 q Jin Yin Hua Lonicerae Japonicae, Flos4q Guan Zhong Guanzhong, RhizomaPrepare a tea and drink it twice a day for 7-10 days.2 q Guan Zhong Guanzhong, Rhizome3 q Jin Yin Hua Lonicerae Japonicae, Flos3 q Da Qing Ye Daqingye, Folium3 q Zi Su Ye Perillae Frutescentis, Folium3 q Ge Gen Radix Puerariae3 q Huo Xiang Agastaches seu Pogostemi, Herba3q Cang Zhu Atractylodis, Rhizoma5 q Tai Zi Shen Pseudostellariae Heterophyllae, Radix3 q Pei Lan Eupatorii Fortunei, HerbaPrepare a tea and drink it twice a day for 7-10 days.*Chew Xi Yang Shen (Panacis Quinquefolii, Radix) or make a tea to drink throughout the day.*Xi Yang Shen tea 1-2 q and Jin Yin Hua 5 q to drink once a day.*Keep warm, don't catch cold.* Moderate stress factors.cilantro bunch, maybe 10 sprigsMake a soup and drink it frequently.Chinese herbal formulas:5 q Huang Qi Astragali Membranacei, Radix5 Jin Yin Hua Lonicerae Japonicae, Flos3 Huang Qin Scutellariae Baicalensis, Radix5 Ban Lan Gen Isatidis seu Baphicacanthi, Radix5 Yi Yi Ren Coicis Lachryma-jobi, Semen3 Huo Xiang Agastaches seu Pogostemi, Herba3 Fang Feng Ledabouriellae Divaricatae, Radix1.5 Sheng Gan Cao Glycyrrhizai Uralensis, Radix (raw)For prevention and treatment.Tonifies Qi, transforms dampness, eliminates heat and toxins.3 Huang Qi Astragali Membranacei, Radix5 Bai Jiang Cao Bombyx Batrytiatus5 Yi Yi Ren Coicis Lachryma – Jobi, Semen2 Jie Geng Platycodi Grandiflori, Radix1 Sheng Gan Cao Glycyrrhizai Uralensis, Radix (raw)*Clears heat, reduces toxins, drains dampness and dirty Qi, aromatically opens orifices.5 Yu Xing Cao Houttuyniae Cordatae, Herba cum Radice2 Ye Ju Hua Chrysanthemi Indici, Flos5 Yin Chen Hao Artemisiae Yinchenhao, Herba3 Pei Lan Eupatori Fortunei, Herba1 Cao Guo Amomi Tsao-Ko, FructusClears heat, reduces toxins, dispels wind, expels evil.5 Pu Gong Ying Taraxaci Mongolici cum Radice, Herba*2 Jin Lian Hua – as Chuan Xin Lian3 Da Qing Ye Daqingye, Folium2 Zi Su Ye Perillae Frutescentis, FructusClear the heat, release the outside, dissipate the wind, drive out the evil outside.5 Lu Gen Phragmitis Communis, Rhizome3 Jin Yin Hua Lonicerae Japonicae, Flos3 Lian Qiao Forsythiae Suspensae, Fructus2 Bo He Menthae Haplocalycis, Herba1.5 Sheng Gan Cao Glycyrrhizai Uralensis, Radix (raw)Tonifies the spleen, benefits Qi, dissolves dampness, reduces toxins.3 Sheng Huang Qi Astragali Membranacei, Radix (raw)2 Bai Zhu Atractylodis Macrocephalae, Rhizome3 Fang Feng Ledabouriellae Divaricatae, Radix3 Huo Xiang Agastaches seu Pogostemi, Herba3 Bei Sha Shen Adenophorae seu Glehniae, Radix3 Jin Yin Hua Lonicerae Japonicae, FlosBenefits Qi, expels external evil, reduces toxins, dispels dampness.5 Tai Zi Shen Pseudostellariae Heterophyllae, Radix3 Jin Yin Hua Lonicerae Japonicae, Flos3 Lian Qiao Forsythiae Suspensae, Fructus3 Da Qing Ye Daqingye, Folium2 Zi Su Ye Perillae Frutescentis, Fructus3 Huo Xiang Agastaches seu Pogostemi, Herba3 Pei Lan Eupatori Fortunei, HerbaThe three stages of SARS and the recovery period, (note, most formulas remove heat, toxins, and moisture).Early stage, starts as a wind-hot or wind-chill cough with shortness of breath.A. Heat and toxins attack the lung.B. Damp heat clogging occurs.C. There is external cold and internal heat combined with humidity.TX Principle: Clear the heat, open the lungs, release the outside, open the meridians.Formulas: Based on Yin Qiao San combined with Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang modified with herbs according to the patient's condition.*If more damp heat blockage give San Ren Tang – (3 seeds Xing Ren, Bai Dou Kou, Yi Yi Ren to drain moisture) or Huo Xiang Huo Po Tang (Huo Xiang, Hou Po, Ban Xia, Fu Ling to dissolve phlegm).*If there is more external cold and internal heat with humidity, use Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang with modifications.*To help reduce toxins you can add herbs such as Yu Xing Cao, Lu Gen, Jie Geng, Chuan Xin Lian.Disease progression: congestion in the body worsens, fever goes up and down, lung condition worsens, coughing up blood.This is more heat attacking the lung causing internal and external heat congestion combined with damp heat toxins, and evil clogs the Shao Yang channel.Treatment Principle: Eliminate heat and toxicity, drain cloudy Qi from the lungs.A. Heat toxin attacking the lungs: high fever, coughing up blood.Qing Wen Bai Du San with modifications.B. External and internal heat congestion with Qing Fei Jie Du Tang toxicity.C. Damp heat congestion and toxicity Gan Lu Xiao Du Dan with modifications.D. Obstruction of damp heat in the Shao Yang channel.Hao Qin Qing Dan Tang.Collapse: State of shock with severe sweating, respiratory failure.Here is heat toxicity that clogs the lungs, the Qi of evil is much stronger, the Zheng.Qi is severely deficient, there is severe Yin deficiency and internal obstruction with external collapse “Tou Zhen”.A. Obstruction by phlegm and dampness with heat toxicity.Huo Xue Xie Fei Tang or Yi Fei Hua Zhou Tang.B. Pulmonary canal obstruction.C. Damp heat obstruction of the lungs.D. Qi and Yin Xu.E. Excessive wickedness, Zheng Qi deficiency.F. Internal obstruction – respiratory failure – this is where to open.Open the orifices, tonify and consolidate the Qi.Sheng Fu Tang with modifications.Treatment principle: benefit Qi, release toxicity, transform phlegm and dampness, open meridians, resolve dirty phlegm, open orifices, tonify and consolidate Qi.Recovery stage: The patient is still weak with Qi and Yin deficiency, lung and spleen deficiency.The moist heat and toxins are still in the body.A. Qi and Yin Xu, tonify Qi, nourish Yin, transform dampness in the meridians.Qing Shu Yi Qi Tang with modifications.B. Spleen and Lung deficiency: Tonify Lu and Sp, remove heat and toxins, remove Sheng Ling Bai Zhu San dampness.The main cause of coronavirus disease is humidity toxicity, not humidity heat toxicity.In treating heat toxicity with moisture, the strategy is often to remove heat, resolve toxins, and dissipate moisture.However, when dealing with Damp Heat Toxicity or Heat Toxin from Retained Dampness, if the heat is cleared and the toxins resolved by using cold herbs early on, this will inevitably exacerbate the dampness and lead to enveloping heat from the cold.Which then creates an adverse effect on the results of the treatment.Therefore, in the treatment of this disease, the focus should be on resolving the turbidity by pushing the aroma out through the exterior and supporting the up and down of the spleen and stomach.As the dampness resolves, the depressed heat may disperse and the toxicity will be unable to form, thus the symptoms will gradually resolve.The transformation of heat may progress to fill the intestine with yangming brilliance, which would exacerbate the depression of lung qi and block qi.Once intestinal repletion of yangming brilliance is significant, dampness can very easily transform into damp toxicity, heat, toxicity, and stagnation, ultimately leading to severe qi reversal and the appearance of SMO.(Multi-organ dysfunction syndrome).In some of the more severe cases where the patient is already on a ventilator or on ECMO (extracorporeal membrane oxygenation), the stomach and chest are always hot to the touch, while the extremities are cool.This is a symptom of sepsis.Therefore, a key aspect of treatment is to resolve the dampness, unblock the intestines, and drain the cloudiness in the initial phase.Based on the above, we selected Ma Xing Yi Gan Tang, Sheng Jiang San, D Yuan Yin, Hou pu Xia Ling Tang, Huo Xiang Zheng Qi San, and Yin Qiao San as our base formulas and implemented a Chinese Medicine Protocol.Cathy Margolin, L.Ac.Dipl. 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