Scientific name: Rhizoma Alismatis English name: Water plantain Chinese name: Ze Xie 澤瀉Parts of the plant used: the stem stripped of its leaves and roots, dried over low heat before removing the bark.Before use, it must be moistened, cut and dried in the sun.It is used without preparation or grilled with bran or salt.Zones of influence on the human body: the Kidney and Bladder meridians.- promotes the elimination of water and humidity - disperses heat deficiency and heat humidity from the Bladder.To be used in case of: - edema and dysuria due to stagnation of water and humidity - diarrhoea, urinary disorders with cloudy urine, leucorrhea, retention of TAN YIN, palpitations and cough due to excess humidity - dizziness due to humidity and mucus Shui Yin - jaundice;hyperlipidemia (modern research) - Kidney Yin deficiency and excess Ministerial fire.Against indications, precautions: Kidney deficiency with spermatorrhea without dreams.In case of high doses, risk of spermatorrhea.Dosage: 5 to 10 g per day- Protection against hyperlipidemia in laboratory animals;- Diuretic action;- Increased coronary circulation in rabbits;- Decreased blood sugar.