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Name: Dong Quai (Angelica sinensis)
Otherwise known as: Angelica polymorpha, Chinese Angelica
Habitat: A perennial member of the Umbelliferae growing to about 2m in moist, rich soils throughout South East Asia. Like all Angelicas, it has a fleshy, fluted, hollow stem with celery-li
In San Antonio, many families enjoy the backyard bounty of the yellow-orange, ping-pong ball-size fruit with a mild apricot flavor, usually eating the fruit raw, pulled right of the tree. With some work to remove a loquat’s skin and seeds, the fruit can be cooked, turned into jam or other us
In San Antonio, many families enjoy the backyard bounty of the yellow-orange, ping-pong ball-size fruit with a mild apricot flavor, usually eating the fruit raw, pulled right of the tree. With some work to remove a loquat’s skin and seeds, the fruit can be cooked, turned into jam or other us
The following is a guest article by William Shea, VP of Cognizant Consulting Healthcare Practice, & Trish Birch, SVP, Healthcare Consulting & Strategy Leader at Cognizant.
Many healthcare organizations have set their sights on delivering holistic customer journeys that seamlessl
The following is a guest article by William Shea, VP of Cognizant Consulting Healthcare Practice, & Trish Birch, SVP, Healthcare Consulting & Strategy Leader at Cognizant.
Many healthcare organizations have set their sights on delivering holistic customer journeys that seamlessl
As my phone message states, “I’m out and about”. So, you may often find me in the woods exploring and enjoying the early spring ephemerals. Just the basics are amazing! These early forest flowers have transformed, gained and stored all the energy they need in just a matter of 6-8 wee
When I learned that Dion Paris and Kikyo had an ambiguous relationship and often slept together, Gaylene Kucera was even more lost for a long time, and often couldn't even sleep well Fortunately, she turned her back into golden beets lower blood pressure. This time, those colleagues were a lit