Bitter Orange — China News

2022-07-01 22:57:04 By : Mr. Ken Wong

Scientific Name: Fructus Aurantii Immaturus English Name: Bitter Orange Chinese Name: Zhi ShiParts of the plant used: the fruits before their maturity, cut in half or not, dried in the sun;put them to soften overnight in a container of water before use.They are eaten without preparation or grilled with bran.Zones of influence on the human body: the Spleen and stomach meridians, and the Large Intestine.Flavor: bitter, pungent and slightly acidicNature: slightly cold.- Breaking down energy and reducing the accumulation of food (PO QI XIAO JI);Circulate QI and remove fullness distension (XING QI CHU ZHANG MAN);- removes mucus and eliminates masses - removes stagnationsTo be used in case of:- Obstruction of the circulation of energy (QI) and accumulation of undigested food: pain and distension, fullness in the abdomen and epigastrium, constipation, diarrhea with tenesmus (HOU ZHONG).- Sensation of oppression in the epigastrium and mass in the thorax, lack of appetite, physical and mental asthenia.- Illnesses due to overwork with fever, feeling of fullness and mass in the epigastrium and thorax.- Stomach Ptosis;dilatation of the stomach;anal prolapse;uterine ptosis (modern research).- hTA (modern research).Dosage: 3 to 9 g per day