QUINCY – North Quincy High Class of 2022 President Oliver Smith asked students to reflect on a moment of adversity, whether failing a test or experiencing loss, then on the present at their graduation ceremony Monday, June 6.
"Your presence here represents every battle, every hard-fought victory from these past four years. At the end of the day, you are here, you have made it," Smith said.
Speakers shared messages about love, kindness and strength with the 345 graduates of the North Quincy High School Class of 2022. With the students gathered on the Veterans Memorial Stadium field, friends and family sat in the bleachers, some holding cap- and diploma-shaped balloons reading "Congrats Grad."
Smith reminded students that it is OK to fail and focused on the students' tenacity and perseverance.
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Salutatorian Adelin Chan reminded graduates that the future is in their hands. She told students to seek opportunities, speak up, advocate for themselves and "choose now."
"Choose to be happy, don't fall into the trap of saying I will be happy when," Chan said.
Principal Keith Ford described the class as resilient. He said North Quincy High prepares students to collectively overcome challenges.
"To the Class of 2022, I believe in you, I believe that you are equipped for your next assignment in life," Ford said. "The question that I want you to hold on to while life presents you many triumphs and challenges is this: are you ready for your next assignment, whatever that may be, and more importantly, is your assignment ready for you?"
Mayor Thomas Koch stressed the importance of education. He talked about the hate in the world and the power of love.
More: A Koch of another era started Quincy's Flag Day, a tradition that endures
School Committee Vice Chair Frank Santoro read a list of accomplished North Quincy High graduates, which includes Koch. He told graduates that they have the same strong foundation as the people he named.
"Your community, your nation, your world awaits your talent," Santoro said.
City Council President Noel DiBona urged students to follow their dreams, have a plan and to set goals.
Valedictorian Frank Lee reminded students to take care of their mental and physical well-being and surround themselves with people who bring out their best. He told students to reflect on an instance when someone supported them during difficult times and urged them to be compassionate.
"Remember to stay optimistic, to help others and to embrace every moment in our lives," Lee said.
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Before awarding the diplomas, Superintendent Kevin Mulvey said the class displayed patience, diligence and determination. He said students will carry their character as they continue and noted the need for kindness.
"Today may be the end of your education with the Quincy Public Schools, but it's the beginning of the rest of your life," Mulvey said. "Always remember that what you do makes a difference."
Alexandra Abrahamovich, Charles Affleck, Gulisumuayi Aihemaiti, Samee Akhouzine, Jessica Aliosa, Carly Amendolare, Jacob Anderson, Deana Antunes, Inmdelali ArceoGraniel, Rafaela Astudillo, Brahim Atif, Danny Au, Kaung Aung, Yoon Myat Noe Aung, Raneika Austin, Brandon Baker, Camden Becker, Daniel Bellotti, Rean Beqo, Fiona Berberi, Kiyan Bias, Julia Bo, Peter Boylan, Kathryin Boylan, James Bradley, David Bridges, Savannah Broderick, Michaela Bulger, Jennie Burgess.
Sandy Man Yee Cai, Jieheng Cao, Zhion Cardoso Mendes, Liam Carey, Madison Cassio, Caroline Cavicchi, Sophie Cerone, Adelin Chan, Cheuk Chan, Christopher Chan, Eric Chan, Katelyn Chan, Natalie Chan, Andrew Chen, Anna Chen, Chonghao Chen, Crystal Chen, Fiena Chen, Flora Chen, Jeffrey Chen, Junrong Chen, Michelle Chen, Nancy Chen, Nicholas Chen, Nuo Chen, Rou Chen, Samantha Chen, Serena Chen, Shao Nan Chen, Sho Chen, Song Yu Chen, Vivian Chen, Ryan Cheung, Cheuk Yin Cho, Brian Choi, Breeana Chu, Mia Cluett, Michael Colantonio, Nicholas Coleman, Matthew Craig, Liam Crampton, Florence Daley, Andrew de Franca, Gregory Deering, Jamie Deluca, Jayinah Delva, Martin Demo, Cameron Douglas, Carson Douglas, Kelley Duarte, Maeve Dugan, Paul Dumont, Jasmine Duong.
Kareem El-Dayisty, Omar Elhashash, Tony Eng, Aicha Ennassiri, Shane Faherty, Gracie Falletti, Miaolin Fang, Taylor Ferolito, Melayna Fitzpatrick, Pablo Flores Muñoz, Dawn Folan, Malik Francis, Elle-Teresa Frechette, Daniel Gamble, Yuxuan Gang, Ethan Gao, Xiang Gao, Thomas Gates, Harrison Gaudiano, Jared Gaven, Colm Geary, Avery Glennon, Brendan Glynn, Michael Gorman, Alexander Gu, Eric Guan, Nathan Guan, Phoebe Guan, Sandy Guan, Vanessa Guan, Scotty Gutro.
Rammy Hablaje, Cooper Hansen, Trevell Harmon, Lily Hart, Alivea Healy, Grace Hickey, Tina Hoang, Rachael Hoban, Lucas Hooley, Adam Huang, Dingjie Huang, Stephanie Huang, Wilson Huang, XiaoYan Huang, Xing Hao Huang, Christina Huang, Dallas Hudgins, Kaycie Huynh, Siman Ikariden, Safiye Iskenderoglu, Kaila Jacques, Kevin Jarek, Sara Jomeh Falahiyeh Zadeh, Bridget Keane, Charlotte Kelliher, Thomas Kelly, Charles Kelson, Adam Khiyaty, Kobe Khuong, Olivia Kosinski, Emily Kuang, Artur Kydaiarov, Moe Kyaw.
Nicholas Ladas, Ada Lai, Quinn LaMotte, Lan Lan, Kevin Le, Angelina Lee, Frank Lee, Rachel Lee, Trista Lee, Joe Lei, Cheuk Leung, Sabrina Leung, Alex Li, Baijie Li, JingYi Li, Wilson Li, Yiyang Li, Jaden Liang, Jiahui Liang, Sebastian Liang, Tanisha Liang, Cielo Librea, Man Lien, Ada Lin, Cathy Lin, Hsuan Lin, Jeffrey Lin, Jialing Lin, Jun Jie Lin, Kevin Lin, Selina Lin, Shelly Lin, Tammy Lin, Vincent Lin, Wilson Lin, Xingyu Lin, Yan Xin Lin, Kayla Lindsay, Kyle Littlefield, Benson Liu, Donghao Liu, Kitty Liu, Lina Liu, Ting Shing Liu, Gerard Llanaj, Matthew Lowe, Annie Lu, Ashley Lu, Rihui Lu, Lawrence Ly, John Lynch.
Maggie Ma, Hunter MacIsaac , William Macdonald, Francesca Magnarelli, Victoria Mariano, Trent Mason, Owen Masur, Jamie McAleavey, Julia McDonald, Patrick McDonald, Seán Mckeone, John McLaughlin, Baileigh McMahon, Shay Meaney, Benny Mei, Ashley Morash, Nikko Mortel, Dylan Mui, Jackson Murphy, Quinn Murphy, Thomas Murray, Kate Myers, Phuong Nghiem, Andrea Ngo, Chi Nguyen, Jaclynn Nguyen, Jim Nguyen, Liem Nguyen, Linh Nguyen, Vincent Nguyen, Vo Nguyen, Brian Nguyen, Max Nixon, Orla O'Driscoll, Brendan O'Leary, Colm O'Malley, Caitlin O’Regan, Adrien Orlando, Daniel O'Shea, Eliane Pereira Lopes, Anthony Perryman, Bryan Pham, Christy Pham, Olivia T. Pham, Olivia N. Pham, Nikki Phan, Wilson Phan, Luke Pierron, Samira Pires, Michael Pollastretti, Matthew Prifti, Myra Qasim, Lucas Quach.
Tasnim Rahman, Zoe Rakarich, Kylee Rascoe, Michael Reddig, Draven Reiland, Scott Ritz, Brian Rodrigues, Brian Rosa, Tyler Salfity, Kevin Salmanowich, Michael Schinazi, Isabel Scott, Mia Scott, Qunonuw Scott, Teresa Sheedy, Kexin Shi, Herron Situ, Kaylee Sleiman, Kiera Sleiman, Oliver Smith, Benjamin Snyder, Michael Steele, Melody Tai, Alexandra Talarico, Sandra Tan, Stanley Tian, Amber Tran, Alexander Tran, Belle Tran, Brandy Tran, Tan Tran, Tiffany Tran, Amy Truong, Gordon Truong, Scott Truong, Shayla Truong, Jada Tu, Ihudiya Ugqu, Joel Vega, Claudia Villavicencio Regueiras, Martin Vo, Anh Vu.
Elias Walsh, Ethan Walsh, Jason Wang, Ming Wei Wang, Bryanna White, Aidan White, Pamela Williams, Brandon Wong, Oscar Wong, Samuel Wong, Jeffrey Wu, Jiawei Wu, Jiehong Wu, Justin Wu, Meiying Wu, Mustafa Wumaier, Grace Xu, Ivan Yang, Ling Yang, Jeff Yu, Na Yu, Songen Yu, Yongmei Yu, Jarred Yung, Rima Zahreddine, Emely Zeng, Sophia Zeng, Xieyuan Zeng, Zhi Ming Zeng, Leiwei Zhang, Qichao Zhang, Wenda Zhang, Decheng Zheng, Han Zheng, Hao Zheng, Ivan Zheng, Ivan Zheng, James Zheng, Jiaye Zheng, Jilin Zheng, Lijuan Zheng, Nathan Zheng, Selina Zheng, Joyce Zhong, Keyin Zhong, Steven Zhou, Yan Song Zhou, Jessica Zhu, Tiger Zhu, Vivian Zhu, Xuqiu Zhu, Jenny Zou, Sarah Zyba.
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Reach Alyssa Fell at afell@patriotledger.com.