10 POWERFUL HERBS IN THE FIGHT AGAINST ORANGE PEEL: This way it will help you get rid of cellulite!

2022-06-18 17:44:39 By : Mr. Evan Wu

All this in the set is a recipe for the appearance of skin like orange peel.Few women are more annoyed when preparing for summer than fat deposits in the form of cellulite, the so-called "orange peel", which sometimes are not only not beautiful to the eye, but can also be painful.If you are one of those who fight cellulite, you are probably already informed that cellulite is actually a set of the following subcutaneous changes: Accumulated unevenly distributed fats  Toxins  Excess fluidAll this in the set is a recipe for the appearance of skin like orange peel.You will admit, it is not exactly the perfection we strive for.Fortunately, medicinal plants can help us a lot.Find out which 10 plants are unsurpassed cellulite fighters and how to include them in everyday use.This exotic plant was discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1493 in Guadeloupe, where the natives called it "nana".Pineapple is widely consumed because of its taste, but the stem is interesting because it contains a proteolytic enzyme, bromelain.Anti-cellulite therapy: Bromelain, thanks to its anti-inflammatory effect, stimulates the absorption of localized edema (painful edema that often accompanies fat deposits).Bromelain allows the breakdown of excess proteins in tissues (collagen fibers from cellulite, hematomas, etc.) into amino acids that are easily eliminated.This makes it easier to evacuate the oily holes that form the "orange peel skin" and thus reduce cellulite.In addition, this enzyme prevents a sudden jump in blood insulin levels - this level increases when we eat so-called "fast sugars" (pastries, ice cream, etc.) - and thus the storage of sugar in the form of fat.With its anti-inflammatory effect, the pineapple stalk also works in the case of hematomas or sprains.This shrub, originally from Southeast Asia, is called guttier and has long been known in our western regions for its purgative healing properties of its gum.Metabolic regulator: Only recently, during the research of fruit acids, hydroxycitronic acid was discovered in the skin of the fruit, known as AHC. The main activity of this acid is the regulation of body weight and appetite.It intervenes inside the cell, stimulates the metabolism of sugar and fat and reduces the level of acetyl-coenzyme A. This is followed by a reduction in the transformation of sugar into fat, which is a natural form of sugar storage.Studies have confirmed that both in people with only a few extra pounds and in obese people, AHC reduces body weight and reduces the amount of fat cells (adipocytes).AHC also reduces appetite and cravings for sweets.Beans, originally from Mexico and Central America, were brought to Europe and acclimatized by Spanish conquistadors in the early 16th century.Obesity and diabetes: The fruit of beans, ie.pod, is rich in cellulose fibers, pectins, tannins and flavonoids that act on certain digestive enzymes in the intestines and block their activity.This delay in the absorption of carbohydrates is successfully used in weight loss diets because it allows you to limit calorie intake and avoid a sudden jump in blood sugar, which forces the body to store nutrients in the form of fat reserves.After the weight loss phase, the bean pod helps to stabilize the new weight and avoid further fattening.Moreover, it has a diuretic effect that favors the elimination of excess water from the tissues that cause edema.In people with mild diabetes, bean pods limit and regulate blood sugar levels, especially by slowing down the sudden jump in blood sugar after a meal.4 Buckthorn (lat. Rhamnus frangula L.)This deciduous shrub or low tree with a smooth, dark bark with pronounced whitish lenticels, grows in moist forests around watercourses in Europe, Asia Minor, the Caucasus, Siberia and China.Natural detox and against lazy intestines: Dried, stabilized or aged bark (Frangulae cortex) rich in anthraquinone glycosides (frangulin A and B and glucofrangulin A and B) and flavonoids is used as a medicinal part of the plant.It is irreplaceable for bowel emptying and against gas and bloating in the stomach.Thanks to its diuretic properties, it effectively purifies the blood and helps in the general detoxification of the organism.By cleansing the body of toxins, we get rid of the main causes of headaches, dizziness and tinnitus.5 Fox (lat. Foeniculum vulgare L.)Morac is an important aromatic, spicy, nutritious, but also medicinal plant.The stem of the sea buckthorn is hollow, round, finely furrowed.The leaves are green to gray-blue, glabrous, pinnately divided with almost conical lobes.The shields are large, with 4-25 rays, and the flowers are dark yellow.The fruit is elongated-ovate with pronounced ribs, yellow-green to yellow-brown.Against cramps and bloating: Dried fruit (Foeniculi fructus) is used as a medicinal part of the plant.By composition, sea buckthorn contains essential oils, fatty oils, flavonoids, proteins, organic acids.It is used to relieve cramps in pediatrics, for bloating, to eliminate gas, as an antiseptic, to dilute mucus when coughing.It is very useful in the weight loss process because it reduces appetite, suppresses the desire for sweets and speeds up metabolism.It promotes lipolysis, which leads to the melting of adipose tissue used in diets for weight loss.In addition, it speeds up basal metabolism, forcing the body to burn more calories.This unusual plant, which grows on wet meadows, next to streams and rivers, resembling miniature conifers, is incredibly medicinal and has been used in herbal medicine for centuries, not without reason.Rastavic or horsetail is very rich in minerals, primarily silicon, an element that strengthens connective tissue, strengthens bones, hair and nails and works against arthritis.Rastavic also contains saponin equisetonin, flavonoid heterosides, vitamin C, tannin and bitter substances.Rastavic is used in herbal medicine primarily as a diuretic, it stimulates the excretion of fluids and toxins accumulated in the body.That is why it is considered one of the best herbal remedies against cellulite and fat deposits that accumulate in the hips and buttocks.This beautiful tree, with a very elegant appearance, is abundant throughout the Russian space and has been used for thousands of years in the folk medicine of the people of the North.Anti-inflammatory agent: A herbal remedy for urinary tract infections has been tested, a folk elixir recommended for those who suffer from kidney stones and rheumatism, but also an important ingredient in cosmetic products for skin and hair care.Birch is an extremely good diuretic used in weight loss drugs to stimulate renal water elimination and to reduce painful swelling.It accelerates the elimination of water, but also salts retained in the tissues.It also facilitates the elimination of urine through the kidneys.The plant is wisely recommended for people who are overweight due to water retention.It is recommended for the treatment of edema of the lower extremities.This fruit tree, originally from America, is one of the most useful trees in the tropical region.In addition to the use of its delicious fruits, papaya leaves are traditionally used in these parts to wrap the meat, which is so tender in a few hours.This is due to the presence of papain.Delicious weight loss: Papain is a complex of enzymes that break down proteins, pectins, but also certain sugars and lipids.It is also important to say that this expert in protein breakdown is close in nature to the enzymes present in the digestive tract in the normal state.Therefore, it can be used to treat digestive disorders in poor digestion of proteins and fats, as well as hepatobiliary disorders.Papain accelerates the breakdown of abnormally secreted proteins (including collagen cellulite fibers) and facilitates their removal.In addition, its anti-inflammatory action helps to treat painful cellulite associated with edema.9 Vine (lat. Vitis vinifera)Grape pomace, obtained by pressing grapes to obtain juice, has many therapeutic properties.Accelerates the melting of fat deposits: This coma contains enzymes that play an important role in the effective regulation of intestinal passage with the effect of laxatives.They regulate the entry of nutrients into the blood and prevent the peak of fats in the blood as well as their storage in fat cells.Flavones, anthocyanins and catechin tannins, thanks to their protective vitamin action, improve venous circulation.Flavonoids increase cell exchange and tissue deinfiltration.Proanthocyanidols (condensed tannins) have a regulatory effect on the formation of collagen fibers. All these combined actions enable grape pomace to have an effective effect on cellulite, which forms divided fat deposits between collagen fibers. facilitate weight loss and fat elimination.10 Green tea (lat. Camellia sinesis)The tea plant, originally from India, was known to Europeans in the 17th century.It provides, after the fermentation of the leaves, a drink that the Indians called "royal drink".Sophistication sophistication: Green tea leaves (also called virgin tea) help stimulate lipolysis and thermogenesis, enabling faster mobilization and evacuation of fat reserves that build extra and inconspicuous kilograms.Green tea slows down and reduces the absorption of intestinal lipids (fats) and carbohydrates by partially inhibiting certain digestive enzymes thanks to its polyphenols. lipolytic action.This caffeine is released gradually, so it does not create any problems in the form of nervousness or sleep problems.It has an anti-asthenic role that helps fight the loss of shape that accompanies a weight loss diet.Finally, green tea increases thermogenesis, ie.body energy consumption: energy expended becomes greater than absorbed, which facilitates weight loss.Extracts of some of the most effective herbs from this list such as pear, sea buckthorn, plantain and birch can be found in Green Fit herbal drops to your number 1 ally in the fight against cellulite and for weight loss.Green Fit herbal drops are a completely natural solution based on medicinal herbs intended for regulating body weight, as well as cleansing the liver and digestive organs.It is a dietary supplement based on sea buckthorn fruit, buckthorn bark, herring, birch leaves and ginger rhizome.Sea buckthorn fruit and buckthorn bark help regulate intestinal passage and eliminate digestive gases.Separate herb helps protect the liver and stimulate bile secretion.Birch leaf accelerates the metabolism of cholesterol and the digestive tract.In addition, the flavonoids found in birch and birch are diuretics.They promote the elimination of water, but also salts retained in the tissues.In this way, they facilitate the elimination of urine through the kidneys.These plants are wisely recommended for people who are overweight due to water retention.They are recommended in the treatment of edema of the lower extremities, and will be a valuable supplement in the form of an herbal medicine for the treatment of cellulite.Ginger rhizome has been proven to accelerate the melting of fat deposits and lose excess weight, and in addition increases the tone and vitality of the body and stimulates immunity.Measure out 75 drops and dissolve in 30 ml (brandy glass) of water or tea.Drink Green Fit herbal drops 2 times a day, morning and evening.It is recommended to consume three bottles continuously.The price of Green Fit herbal drops is 1,500 RSD and you can order them by clicking HERE or by calling 011/442 0502 every working day.The price of the 2 + 1 package for free (buy 2 bottles, get the third one for free) is 3,000 RSD and you can order it by clicking HERE or by calling the phone number 011/442 0502 every working day.* Delivery is possible only on the territory of the Republic of Serbia.Copyright © Espreso.co.rs 2022. 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