5 Benefits of Red Ginger that Pak Jokowi regularly drinks - Beauty Fimela.com

2022-08-19 23:02:05 By : Mr. Gasol pan

Fimela.com, Jakarta There is something interesting about the habits of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).Since the corona virus has spread in Indonesia, the number one person in Indonesia admitted to drinking red ginger three times in one day.He admitted that it was not surprising that the price of spices had increased five times.Currently, red ginger is considered as the most sought after herb.That's because many people believe red ginger can increase endurance and be able to prevent disease.You could say, red ginger is more commonly used as an ingredient in herbal or herbal medicines.This rhizome-type plant seems to have many health benefits, you know.In fact, not a few think that the efficacy of red ginger is effective in increasing endurance.Most recently, red ginger is said to be able to prevent Corona.Hmm, really isn't it?In order not to be curious, see the full review below.When the month comes, not infrequently pain often accompanies.Well, this red ginger can be used to overcome it.This is because ginger can inhibit the production of prostaglandins, chemical compounds in the reproductive system that can trigger contractions.As a result of these contractions, pain or cramps during menstruation occur.Another amazing thing that can be found from the properties of red ginger is that it is effective in overcoming inflammation.This is thanks to the content of phenols, such as gingerol and shogaol, which have anti-inflammatory properties.In addition, gingerol in red ginger is also greater than other types of rhizome, so it can also act as an antioxidant.These antioxidant compounds are very useful in protecting cells from damage caused by free radicals.For additional information, these free radicals can cause various diseases, to premature aging.Although this rheumatism sometimes feels annoying, but no one can avoid it when actually experiencing it.Moreover, rheumatism itself can now be experienced by anyone, especially adults.So that it doesn't hurt, you can treat rheumatism with red ginger, you know.Ancient people were very diligent in using red ginger to treat coughs and sore throats.In fact, despite modern times, the same benefits of red ginger have not changed.The warm nature of red ginger can help with coughs and sore throats.The outbreak of the Corona virus makes everyone need to be more vigilant and vigilant in maintaining health.More endurance.Because, a person will be more easily at risk of contracting the Corona virus if his body's immunity is weakened.So, so that your immune system remains excellent, in addition to maintaining a lifestyle, regularly drink herbs that are mixed from red ginger.Interestingly, you don't need to make your own, because now there is BEJO JAHE RED which contains red ginger which is effective in increasing endurance.In addition, the herbs are also mixed from fennel (Foeniculi fructus), mint leaves (Menthae arvensis folium), Javanese chili (Piper retrofracti fructus), to honey.Hectic stage schedules, short breaks, are things that celebrities need to watch out for in this season against the corona virus.Endurance must be strong because almost always in the middle of the audience.The legendary Didi Kempot is no exception, whose popularity is at its peak.Having a healthy lifestyle, as well as drinking BEJO JAHE MERAH regularly is the secret of Didi Kempot, the Godfather of Broken Heart always performs optimally on stage.Just one sachet at a time, when you catch a cold, drink 3-5 times a day after eating to get fit again.Let's imitate Didi Kempot's steps to keep the body's performance so that it is strong against the corona virus.BEJO RED GINGER can be drunk directly or brewed first with half a glass of warm water.Very easy right?Come on, keep your body healthy with red ginger from now on.