National Invasive Species Awareness Week is the perfect time to share, again, the importance of identifying and controlling invasive, exotic plant and animal species. It’s also a good time to mention the efforts being put in by local and state governments to control them on public lands.
Residents can help remove invasive plants at an Invasive Plant Pull at Lake Munson on Saturday.
Invasive, exotic plants and animals are one of the largest challenges facing land managers, big and small.
In a residential yard, it can be difficult to manage those camphor trees (Cinnamomum camphora) that you keep cutting to the ground, yet they keep coming back. Coral ardisia (Ardisia crenata), heavenly bamboo (Nandina domestica), and old-world climbing fern (Lygodium japonicum) are also troublesome weeds that seem impossible to rid, even in a small, residential lot.
Now imagine you’re in charge of hundreds or thousands of acres of natural lands and your goal is to maintain them for conservation purposes, thereby requiring that you remove non-native species!
And it’s not only plants for which we need to be concerned. Homeowners struggle to control non-native insects (fire ants, Asian tiger mosquitoes), reptiles and amphibians (Cuban tree frog), and mammals (cats, armadillo) in their yard. Land managers deal with those, as well as coyotes, feral hogs, and Ambrosia bark beetles, which carry a disease that kills native bay trees.
In Leon County, we are very fortunate to have close access to many very large protected natural areas. Just look at a satellite image and you’ll notice the green that covers much of the Florida Panhandle, in contrast to the lighter shades of gray and green of south and central Florida (FYI, the IMAX Theater has a huge map in their lobby area).
These properties are owned and/or managed by public agencies (federal, state, and local government agencies) as well as some private organizations and individuals. The publicly owned lands were purchased and are maintained with our tax dollars for our benefit.
Locally, efforts by the City of Tallahassee, Leon County Government, Northwest Florida Water Management District, Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (Florida Forest Service), Florida Freshwater Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, and the United States Department of Agriculture (National Forest Service) help protect, conserve, and restore these amazing natural resources.
Managing these properties isn’t easy or cheap, since active management, such as prescribed fires and invasive species control, is often required to keep these areas functioning as nature intended. Passive management of large tracts of conservation land can eventually lead to habitats that do not provide the services to wildlife for which they were intended and purchased.
You can see the work our local city and county governments, in cooperation with state and federal partners, have done while taking a walk at local parks. Tallahassee Parks and Recreation staff have identified and removed many large camphor trees and thousands of coral ardisia plants along the Red Bug Trail in Elinor Klapp-Phipps Park.
Leon County has purchased properties, such as Fred George Park, and helped restore hydrology, remove invasive plants, and clean up trash and debris to make it a more hospitable place for humans and native species.
Again, these efforts cost money, lots of money. Besides continuing to pay your taxes, citizens can help with these efforts by preventing the spread of more invasive, exotic species, identifying and controlling these pests on your small managed areas, and helping with invasive pest cleanup efforts.
In addition to plant roundups, citizens can take part in feral hog, lionfish, and python roundups, too! It’s going to take a village to tackle the invasive pest problem.
If you want to learn more about what invasive pests we have and how to control them, your local Extension Office is a good place to start. You can help remove invasive plants at the Invasive Plant Pull at Gil Waters Preserve at Lake Munson this Saturday, March 2, from 9 a.m. to noon. For more information, visit the event's Eventbrite page:
Mark Tancig is the Commercial/Residential Horticulture Agent at UF/IFAS Extension Leon County. For gardening questions, email the extension office at
When: 9 a.m.-noon Saturday, March 2
Where: Gil Waters Preserve Park, Lake Munson; 1349-1301 Jackson Moody Place
What: Keep Tallahassee Beautiful Super Clean Sweep trash pickup
When: 7:30-11 a.m.Saturday, March 2
Where: Lake Ella picnic pavillion to pick up supplies
Details: For more information, call Diana Hanson: 545-6507 or visit