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Goji Berry Bowl Smoothie With Turmeric Photo: Hannah DeWitt
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Look. At. You. You, the runner, over-achiever, opportunity maximizer, super disciplinarian… In the summer, are you trying various hydration hacks? Or fine-tuning your nutrition for a fall marathon?
Enter Chinese medicinal food, where food serves as medicine; and everyday ingredients, used properly, can up your nutrition game.
The earliest ideas that codified key principles of Chinese medicinal food appeared on The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Medicine, written in the early Han Dynasty (206 BC – 220 AD).
Like the idea of Yin and Yang energies, food is generally sorted into hot, warm, neutral, cooling, and cold groups. Pairing food up from different groups, and eating the right food groups in the right seasons (e.g. more cooling food in the summer) might help restore or maintain optimal balance in the body.
Nutrition is highly personal. The practice of Chinese medicinal food also acknowledges that there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. For runners and your various nutritional needs, here are a few summer recipes to try. Maybe you are already enjoying some of these ingredients in your shakes and smoothies. Maybe you’re looking to change things up a bit. Or maybe you simply need some cooking and food prep inspiration for the summer.
Best for: Recovery Turmeric is a commonly used spice in Indian cuisine and in Southeast Asian and Middle Eastern cooking. It’s main active ingredient, curcumin, gives the spice its yellow color and antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. You can find the powder in the spice section in most grocery stores.
Goji berries usually come in a dried form, available in most Asian supermarkets (e.g. HMart, 99 Ranch). This red berry tastes slightly sweet and is loaded with fiber, iron, vitamin A and vitamin C. Commonly used in soup, juice, liquor, herbal tea, and porridge in China, Goji berries are believed to have anti-aging and immunity-boosting properties.
In a blender, combine the goji berries, banana, strawberries, and almond beverage; turn on blender on low speed; pause blender to mix in whey or vegan protein powder and turmeric powder; turn on blender at medium speed. Blend until completely smooth. Optional: add lemon zest for taste.
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Fried Rice with Mushrooms (Photo: Getty Images)
Best for: fueling and recovery
Wood ear mushrooms are shaped like ears and a commonly used ingredient in Chinese cuisine. They are full of B vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals such as copper, iron, and magnesium. It is believed to have anti-inflammatory properties. Wood ear mushrooms have a chewy texture when stir-fried, adding to the soft mouth feel of cooked rice.
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Mung Bean, known as green beans in Chinese, is a commonly used ingredient in soup, porridge, and desserts in China and various parts of Southeast Asia. Mung Beans are considered one of the best plant-based sources of protein, rich in essential amino acids and packed with fiber, folate, magnesium, and iron. Mung Bean soup is believed to have a cooling effect in traditional Chinese medicine, reducing body heat and preventing heat strokes.
RELATED: Starla Garcia is Helping Runners Embrace Their Cultural Identities Through Food
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