Among the most traditional herbal preparations, teas, we can also find those whose raison d'être cannot be doubted.Such is the range of tea mixtures that increase milk secretion consumed by nursing mothers.Although the mechanisms of breast milk secretion are known, there are no synthetic drugs other than teas that can be used to safely increase the amount of breast milk.If both the mother and her baby are healthy, the amount of breast milk depends on the baby's sucking.Frequent and effective emptying of the breast is most important in stimulating milk production.(Also with milking if necessary.)Have you read this?The critical first 1000 daysMilk production is negatively affected by many factors, e.g.physical fatigue and mother's stress due to breastfeeding.At the same time, drinking the right amount of liquid (2-2.5 liters per day) and a balanced, vitamin-rich diet have a beneficial effect on milk production.Read more What should a nursing mother eat and what should she avoid?There are also medicines that can slightly increase the secretion of breast milk.Their active ingredient is metoclopramide or domperidone.However, since their use for such a purpose is not permitted in their package leaflet, they can only be used in an individual procedure requested by a doctor with the permission of the pharmaceutical authority.However, due to their side effects, their use should be considered.The milk production-stimulating effect of galactogogue (increasing breast milk secretion) herbs is based on folk medicine experiences.There are no or only very few data available on their effects, supported by controlled clinical trials.In addition to helping milk production, they also have carminative, antispasmodic, and digestive properties.Since the active ingredients of herbal teas are partially transferred to the breastfed baby, these effects can also be expected in them, which can be beneficial for babies with colic.Galactagogue teas are available in pharmacies.Given that the evidence from studies on galactogogic herbs is insufficient, there is currently no official recommendation for their use.Studies of lactating women taking milk-enhancing herbs have shown that the majority of users found them to be effective.These herbs are briefly described below, most of which are also included in tea blends or dietary supplements.It is worth paying attention to ensure that the ingredients of the tea or tea mixture are of pharmacopoeial quality.Fennel is native to southern Europe and the Mediterranean, and has been used since ancient times to alleviate digestive complaints.In traditional medicine, fennel fruit (Foeniculi fructus) is the main ingredient in anticonvulsant tea given to babies and is also used to increase milk secretion.The existence of the effect is confirmed by the experience gained during traditional use.The components of the essential oil of fennel tea pass into breast milk, so colic colic pain in babies can also be soothed by drinking the milk-enhancing tea.The daily dose as tea is 7.5 g.Anise seed (Anisi fructus) helps digestion when consumed as a tea.It is excellent for intestinal colic and flatulence.Drinking tea made from anise seeds increases milk production.It also soothes colic in babies.Tea made from the seeds of fenugreek (Trigonella foenum‐graecum) also increases the amount of breast milk.This plant was used in India primarily as a spice (the base of curry), and its effect on increasing breast milk was not only experienced in folk observations, but also proved by tests.Its use is safe, as a side effect it causes abdominal discomfort.In one observation, if half of the daily fluid intake was chamomile (Matricaria recutita) tea, the amount of breast milk also increased.The exact component of chamomile that causes this effect is not known.At the same time, we know that chamomile is safe, even during pregnancy and breastfeeding.Of course, here too we are talking about the pharmacopoeia-quality medicinal plant, which cannot contain the allergenic, heavy-smelling pipiter plant.The ingredients of the three available tea mixes are: fennel fruit, anise fruit, rosehip pseudofruit, medical lemon grass leaf, cumin fruit, chamomile flower, bitter fennel fruit, nettle leaf.Among the ingredients of herbal teas, fennel and anise seeds and chamomile flowers can stimulate lactation.The other components of the products do not have a proven effect of increasing milk production, they are probably included in the products as flavor enhancers.Based on the composition, the preparations reduce the mother's digestive disorders, bloating, and the formation of intestinal gases.According to their recommendation: they are also used to increase breast milk production and alleviate possible digestive disorders of the mother.Here, too, it is important to follow the instructions for use, only part of the daily fluid intake should be the milk-enhancing tea, and other fluids should be consumed in addition to it.At the same time, it is also available in capsule form as a dietary supplement that increases breast milk secretion.Ingredients: fenugreek seeds, St. John's wort leaves, nettle leaves, fennel seeds.It is important to follow the indicated dosage!However, goat's milk, which used to be a component of milk-enhancing tea mixes, is no longer suitable for this purpose because of its toxic effects.Although it is still recommended on some Internet sites, do not use it.The popular tradition used milk thistle as a tea, the galactogogic effect of this herb has not been proven.Therefore, its use is not recommended, as its safe use during pregnancy and breastfeeding has not been proven.Source: WEBBeteg Our author: Dr. Zsoltné Huszár, specialist physicianPrepare a health plan from a health fund!If the elevated prolactin level prevents you from getting pregnant.(x)It is not for nothing that water is called the life-giving element for the Earth and the human body.Water is the main component of all living organisms, the human body...Among the most traditional herbal preparations, teas, we can also find those whose raison d'être cannot be doubted.Such is the...Breastfeeding is a very intimate and special relationship between a mother and her child.This is the safest and...It should be noted that the most ideal food for babies in the first stage of their lives is breast milk.What can breastfeeding prevent...Stress should be avoided during breastfeeding, because in the long term it can lead to a reduction or stagnation of breast milk.It can help a lot if the...It is always the mother and the baby who decide which breastfeeding position is the most comfortable.Some people lie down, some prefer sitting, while others...More than 95 percent of mothers are able to breastfeed their children.But, unfortunately, there is often a lack of sufficient knowledge, self-confidence and motivation to...If you are breastfeeding, you have probably already wondered whether the amount of milk is enough for your little one.Ask yourself the following...Dr. Felícia Emese VasPediatrician and pediatricianAttention!The information on the site is informative and does not replace a professional medical opinion.Read the patient information leaflet or ask your doctor or pharmacist about the risks and side effects.