Globo Reporter - Traditional Chinese medicine healing with herbs, massage and needles

2022-03-25 10:03:57 By : Ms. July Lee

News from your region11/26/2010 11:18 pm - Updated on 11/26/2010 11:51 pmFor the Chinese, the energy that moves the universe is also within each of us.We are a reflection of everything around us, we are what we eat and what we think.And when our fragile world goes out of balance, we get sick.The Chinese know the secret to a better and healthier life.In the recipe, there are medicinal herbs.The section where the herbs of traditional Chinese medicine are manipulated looks anything but a pharmacy.On site, there are almost two thousand drawers with 600 different types of herbs.It's herb for every kind of ailment a person may have.The process is very simple: the person arrives with a recipe, gives it to the women, and they mix the herbs and minerals.After the treatment is done, they go to the counter and deliver the products.It looks like an industrial assembly line.The medicinal formulas are coming out non-stop.Traditional pharmacies have small offices with specialized doctors.First, they examine the patient's tongue.Then the pulse.And it is essential to know the history of each one.A 55 year old lady has been suffering from insomnia for 10 years.Since she started treatment with traditional Chinese medicine, she feels better.Now, she has been able to sleep well.It was an herbal concoction that brought back lost sleep.She says that her husband and children are much happier, because the headaches have subsided.With that, even the mood improved at home.Dr. Yu Weijian is one of China's leading experts in spinal, neck, and facial paralysis.He has 40 years of experience.In the crowded room, he sees one patient after another.Massage, acupuncture and heat relieve severe pain.The doctor guarantees that with these treatments he has managed to avoid many surgeries.He presents a patient who came to him with terrible back pain.For Western medicine, it would be a case of surgery.But with a lot of massage and acupuncture, she now walks normally.Those who undergo treatment at this pharmacy can also eat in a way to improve health.They prepare food in which each of the dishes has a different health property.One of them, for example, has an herb for those who have inflammation.Another is for those who need energy.On a plate, there is sanchi flower which is to improve circulation.The food mixes ingredients known in Brazil: ginseng, yam and mushrooms.To become a doctor, you need to study at least five years.In China, there are 31 universities specializing in traditional medicine.One of the oldest in the country is in Yunnan Province.The teacher says that today the biggest challenge is to teach age-old concepts to young people who grew up surrounded by technology.In the room where young people with such different styles mix, a kind of electronic arm helps to prove diagnoses that are traditionally made by touch.The teacher explains that the machine is only used in the classroom as a concrete demonstration of what doctors feel when they are taking an exam.