Parts of the plant used: Rhizome and root, washed, cleaned, dried in the sun, cut into pieces (Autumn).Zones of influence on the human body: liver, gallbladder and stomach meridians1. Clearing Heat and drying Dampness 清热燥湿;2. Purging Liver and BV Fire 泻肝胆火, soothing convulsions (DING JING XIAN).To be used in case of:- Jaundice from Damp Heat on the Liver and BV - swelling and pruritus of the external genitalia, pruritus of the vulva and scrotum, thick yellow leucorrhoea, eczema of the lower body, difficult and painful urination - pain and distension of the head, pain, redness and swelling of the eyes, pain in the chest and hypochondria, bitter mouth, pain and swelling in the ears, BO, decreased hearing, deafness, pruritus and swelling of the genitals - persistent high fever, spasms, convulsions in LIANG JING WAN “Pill to cool the convulsive state”.- Lack of appetite, abdominal distension after meals: a small amount of LONG DAN can strengthen the stomach.Dosage: 3g to 6g (6 – 10g) per day in decoctionNo overdose;Not used for a long time.Cold and bitter, it injures the IQ of the Stomach.- Secretion of gastric juice, release of hydrochloric acid and increased appetite by oral administration of one of its active components to dogs with experimental gastric fistula.- Protection of the liver, increased bile secretion.- Significant diuretic action on laboratory animals.- Anti-inflammatory action of one of its active components (action 4 – 7 times more powerful than that of certain anti-rheumatic products).LONG DAN CAO penetrates the Liver, the BV, but also the Bladder, and the Kidney.Very bitter and very Cold, it has the nature of pure YIN, it strongly purges the evil Fire from the Liver and the GB - Shi Zhen says: "If the Minister Fire is in the Liver and the GB, it is purged and not toned, that's why LONG DAN benefits the IQ of Liver and BV, because it purges Heat from Liver and BV."In addition, it also penetrates the Kidney and Bladder meridians, removes the Damp Heat from the RI, and they are mutually reinforcing with FANG JI.This is why the texts say that it treats the sensation of Cold and Heat in the bones, the perverse energies of convulsive states, the lukewarmness and Heat of pestilential energies, heat dysentery and jaundice, beriberi due to Cold and Humidity (beriberi is caused by Cold Humidity affecting the feet. If they are swollen and painful, it is Humidity type beriberi, it is then necessary to cool the Heat and promote Another type of beriberi is manifested by contractures and numbness, pain but without swelling and is called Gan Jiao Qi "dry type beriberi", it is advisable in this case to feed the Blood and Moisten dryness.) Wind blockage in the throat.In addition, JIU CHAO, just like CHAI HU, treats red eyes and pterygium NU ROU 僜肉 [an elongated growth of red flesh, appearing in the canthus of the eye, resembling fly wings and crossing the skin horizontally. white part of the eye and which, in severe cases, may penetrate the iris and cover the pupil.].Wang Ang said, "At the initial stage of eye conditions, it is appropriate to disperse, and it is contraindicated to use cool and cold products."{Strongly purges the Plenitude Fire of the Liver and BV;removes Damp Heat from the Kidney meridian.} It is extremely Cold and bitter, and Feng Zhao Zhang (17 – 18th C.) says it is like a harsh winter, dark, pale, gloomy, and silent, the 10 000 herbs are withered and dead, Bitter and Cold attack the species, then it is appropriate to postpone and not prolong, like the life of the sage who is not yet worn out, but punished by pain.(...) Soaked in a solution of GAN CAO (liquorice), then dried in the sun before use.It is potentiated by XIAO DOU [red soy] and GUAN ZHONG.It should be avoided with DI HUANG.Purges Liver and BV Fire, RI Heat Dampness.Very bitter and very cold, it sinks the YIN and circulates in the lower part.It benefits the Liver and BV, and purges the Fire – the Minister Fire resides in the Liver and the BV, it is purged and not tonifying, for purging evil Heat is tantamount to tonifying the Fire.It penetrates the meridians of the Bladder and the Kidney, it eliminates the Humidity Heat of the RI;his actions are similar to those of FANG JI.Dipped in alcohol it can then circulate at the level of the surface and the upper part.It treats the Cold or the Heat felt at the level of the bones… The perverse energies of the convulsive states – that is to say the Fire and the Wind in the meridian of the Liver.Heat and lukewarmness of pestilential energies, Heat-type dysentery and jaundice, beriberi due to Cold and Dampness (…) Wind Heat in the throat, red eyes and pterygium – it purges the Fire of the Liver and the VB, it clears the sight.(…) YONG and JU abscesses, and ulcerations due to scabies.(…)