This morning a chilling video was sent to the Europa Verde councilor Francesco Emilio Borrelli of a woman attacked after a discussion that would have taken place on social media.To her unfortunate her hair is cut in live social media.The fact would have happened in the Neapolitan area.“Councilor, it is absolutely necessary to point out this woman from Caivano called AA who for a discussion that took place at the women's day, after various threats on tik tok, caught the antagonist girl and cut her hair while also making a video.The victim is named A. d.M. she lives in the new houses in Naples.Please help "."Attached to the report are the names and personal details of the victim and the executioner.If the story were confirmed and happened in the ways in which it was reported to me and you can see it on the video we would be barbaric.For this reason, I immediately alerted the police for the necessary investigations and the necessary interventions ”declares Francesco Emilio Borrelli.