'Choose to be a force for good': Quincy High graduates Class of 2022

2022-06-10 23:27:41 By : Ms. Angela Li

QUINCY – Students and families of Quincy High School graduates sang the school song at Veterans Memorial Stadium on Tuesday, celebrating the graduation of 397 seniors.

Class President Sabrina Egan asked her classmates to say goodbye to their high school years and embrace a new chapter of their lives.

"As one door closes today, another will open for us tomorrow," she said.

Larence Taglieri, the school principal, congratulated the students on finishing their high school education despite the obstacles of the pandemic.

"Stay close and stay together," he told the students.

Mayor Thomas Koch said the world is a "troubled place" right now, but students can cure it with love.

More: Celebrate the 2022 graduation season on the South Shore with The Patriot Ledger

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"Love attains peace, and peace sustains love," he said. "Go conquer the world, but do it with great love."

School committee Vice Chair Frank Santoro shared a list of successful alumni of the school, including Robert Burns Woodward, winner of the 1965 Nobel Prize in chemistry, and writer John Cheever, a Pulitzer Prize winner.

"Go off like those before you and confront the challenges that lie ahead," he said.

Valedictorian Cassandra Gordon thanked the school's faculty and friends for helping her through the years.

"We made it!" she said.

Despite many obstacles, she said, they have come out on top.

Superintendent Kevin Mulvey said the graduation ceremony marks the beginning of a new chapter. From here, what they do makes a difference, he said.

"Choose to be a force for good," he said.

Yassin Abouyoussef, Kaique Armond, Kate Adjei, Isabel Ahumada Pedraza, Melissa Ainsley, Leila Akhouzine, Paul Albert, John Alessandro, Yumna Ali, Ahmad Al-Rekabi, Noel Alvero, Nemisson Alves Jr., Yusef Alzubaidy, Maurice Ampane, Daniel Andrews, Sean Andrews, Daniela Aracena, Jania Astacio, Thomas Aubrey III, Nezar Baghough, Madilyn Bailey, Caleb Baliton, Meira Baliton, Emmett Bandzak, Zybria Barber-Snell, Sophia Barnes, Alexander Bartkiewicz, Carlhens Bazile, Claudia Bazile, Dominik Bertulli, Pirjen Bico, Jonathan Bina, Samarie Blaise, Nicholas Blasi, Drew Boretti, Hatim Boukhtam, Kathleen Bowden, Savannah Broderick, Emma Brown, Louis Brown, Pilar Brown, Andrew Browne, Wesley Byrne, Conor Byrne.

Nia Cahill, Anna Cahill, Jerry Caldwell Jr., Carmela Canavan, Robert Cannon, Mirzan Carmona-Montufar, Kevin Carroll, Justin Chan, Holly Chan, Marwah Chaudhry, Hengjie Chen, Michelle Chen, Ellen Chen, Kevin Chen, Marcela Chen Ling, Selina Cherduville, Ricky Chieng, Lawrence Ching, Dylan Chojnowski, Thomas Christian, Zachary Clements, Abigail Codner, Jack Collins, Joseph Connor, Kaleigh Conroy, Owen Coppola, Clayton Corley Jr., Kymani Correia, Hugh Crawford, Emma Crosby.

Wilma Da Silva Pina Lopes, Henry Dang, Dany Darwich, Kaua David, Erin Davies, Koren Davis, Amyah Davis, Rutiele De Oliveira De Souza, Tássyla De Paula Silva, Isabella Deady, Aleksandra Dedo, Ty DeGust, Rebecca Deng, Natalya Desmond, Luisa-Raquel Devarie, Ava Devlin, Hannah Dewolfe, Tia DiBona, Maya Dijkstra, Jordan Dizon, Lawsun Do, Ryan Doherty, Zachary Donaghue, Aisling Donoghue, Hailey Dorsey, Marly-Christie Dort, Nicholas Dos Santos, Kate Downey, Dineya Dozier, Joseph Dyer, Tiarnan Eaton, Kiara Ebanks, Sabrina Egan, Mouad El Abbassi, Joie Eng, Elijah Epps, Nicholas Escriba Tapia.

John Fallon, Margaret Fay, John Fehan, Rachel Feng, Alissa Fernandes, Nicholas Ferrara, Jamar Finn, Meaghan Foley, Christopher Fonseca, Jordan Foote-Davis, Leah Forte, Eleanor Fortin-Stokes, Storm Foster, Daniel Francis, Amber Fraser, Michael Frazis, Daniel Freeman, Kyle Galecia, Niamh Gallen, Zachary Galligan, Johnny Garcia Acosta, Ryan Gately, Iain Gillespie, Emma Glavin, Shayla Goba, Soleil Godina, Aaliyah Gomez, Thomas Goode, Xavier Gordon, Cassandra Gordon, Sarah Gorham, Amanda Goslin, Matthew Gratch, Dylan Green, Cameron Griffin, Jamari Haley-Baker, Lindsey Hatfield, Adriana Healy, Ronan Healy, Mia Heim, Cynthia Henderson, Joseph Hennessy, Aniah Hernandez, Cooper Hernon, Kathleen Higgins, Garrett Hinkley, James Hoare, John Hopps, Sarah Houlihan, Jacob Howe, Emily Huang.

Mairene Ibardaloza, Antenella Ibrahim, Sophia Irving, Kyle Jacobs, Makayla Jacques, Nick Janka, Nyck Jean-Philippe, Walker Jeffery, Julia Jin, Alana Johnson, Alyssa Jones, Upasana Joshi, Dyani Joyce, Kiara Juarez Espinal, Makhi Justice, Malik Justice, Leslie Kahugu, Liam Kane, Alex Keeley, Allison Keeley, Timothy Kelly, Natalia Kepczynski, Mario Kopiec, Kellen Kopp, Sai Kuchulakanti, Christina Lacroix, Jessica Lalla, Lukas LaMonica, Breanna Laroche, Tyler Larsen, Malik Lawson, Andy Le, Dai Phu Le, Tony Le, Brian Lee, Xavier Lee, Emily Leong, Vivian Leung, Jiaxuan Li, Oscar Li, Caleb Liang, Nicola Liang, Chris Lin, Vi Hung Long, Honor Lorusso, Joshua Lorusso, Jeffrey Louissaint, Lane Lowry, Daniel Lung, Huy Luong, Thu Luong, Jacob Lustig, Jessica Lustig, Mona Ly, Chloe Lynch, Lucy Lynch.

Adriana MacPherson, Marissa Maher, Adam Maier, Destiny Maldonado, Calvin Mandawe, Jonathan Manning, Adam Manter, Joseph Manton IV, Matthew Marcelin, Trent Mason, Sophie Mayo, Madeline Mayo, Nathan McCann, Samuel McGahan, Madison McGrath, Harry McGuire, Keighley McLaughlin, Darren McNeil-Franklin, Kayla McNelley, Kevin Mei, Cameron Melchin, David Meng, Jennifer Meng, Athena Mercado, Dachely Michelin, Brianna Mikshenas, Ryan Milley, Toni Mina, Matthew Miranda, Calantha Mohanraj, Alexandria Monteiro, Adriana Moosick, Colleen Moran, Rebecca Morris, Parker Mullen, Laila Mullgrave, Levi Munoz Lopez, Kyle Murphy, Thomas Murphy, Nandan Nair, Matthew Najjar, Henry Neil, Justin Neil, Michael Nellany, Lisa Ngo, Benny Nguyen, Cindy Nguyen, Danny Nguyen, Jacquelyn Nguyen, Mia Nguyen, Quoc Viet Nguyen, Sarah Nguyen, Tammy Nguyen, Maria Niko, Alexander Norton, Morgan Novak, Larissa Nunes De Moura.

Aria Oakes, Gabriel O'Brien, Riley O'Connell, Cara O'Connor, Mathew Olaince, Julia O'Leary, Keyara O'Neal, Romyna Oregel Gutierrez, Haley O'Reilly, Isabella Pagliarulo, Kaitlyn Paiva, Julianna Paluzzi, Evelyn Parker, Shea Pascarelli, Anee Patel, Vansh Patel, Vraj Patel, Maddison Pelaggi, Paola Peña Garcia, Pyetra Pereira, Nazli Perez, Athena Perry, Phoenix Petrucci, Brandon Pham, Tony Pham, Vy Pham, James Phipps, Johnathen Pinn, David Pitts, William Ploof, Ahmad Powell, Timothy Powell, Brianna Pulito, Charles Quigley, Paige Raber, Micah Ramos, Brendan Regan, Kyle Regan, Jordan Reilly, Lejhay Renaud, D'Vani Reyes, Sarah Rizzi, Elise Roche, Sasha Rockhold, Luiz Fillipe Rodrigues Mafra, Anthoni Rodriguez-Davis, Raven Roldan, Joao Rosa, Coleman Ross, Kailey Ross, Megan Ross, KaiFeng Ruan, Emily Ryan.

Sophie Saint Marc, Kiomi Samuel, Anthony Samuels Jr., Gerelle San Jose, Ryley Sanders-Smiley, Esmerlina Santana Herrera, Olivia Santangelo, Cinneide Santoro, Thomas Santos, Adriana Saucier, Milena Semexant, John Shen, Samantha Shuman, Yeidi Sierra Percel, Brian Silcox, Natalia Silva, Luiz Silva Alves, Maria Silva Dos Reis, Amaya Six-Tiger, Renea Smart, Dahlia Smith, Devontae Soto, Donovan Stebbins, Spencer Stebbins, Erny Sundosd, Lauren Tam, Jamie Tam, Jacquline Tang, Lily Tang, Kassyleas Tavares, Jason Tejeda, Mackenzie Thai, Ninh Thi, Tari-Anna Thomas-Smoot, Marissa Tolini, Paige Tompkins, Derek Tran, Kayla Tran, Natalie Tran, Vivian Tran, Bastien Trevisan.

Nnene Ugha, Nathan Unsworth, Phu Van, Lana Van Gorder, Johnny Vargas Rosario, Giovanni Villanueva, Dylan Viola-Parsons, Ngan Vo, Athina Vrapi, Jarod Walker, Patrick Walsh, Nayarah White, Joshua Whittaker, Jair Whyte, Teyah Wilson, Matthew Wong, Akira Wright, Lok Ying Yu, Kaitlyn Zemotel, Nikolas Zena, Aiden Zeng, Haonan Zhao, Celine Zheng, Gina Zheng, Joanna Zheng, Ryan Zheng, Xiaozun Zhou, Jia Ye Zou.

More graduation coverage:Celebrate the 2022 graduation season on the South Shore with The Patriot Ledger's coverage

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Reach Hongyu Liu at HLiu@patriotledger.com.