When the weather changes, especially in the rainy and stormy season, those suffering from leprosy will be very uncomfortable because of pain in tendons and bones;weak body, disjointed limbs, paralysis, leading to poor sleep and poor fertility.Modern medicine believes that the cause of the disease is the cluster of group A hemolytic streptococcal bacteria residing in the ears, nose, and throat, causing endogenous allergies.As for traditional medicine, this is rheumatism, so the treatment principle needs to be in the area of blood circulation, blood circulation - soldering, except low, pain relief, heat clearing, inflammation, sedation;at the same time tonifying the liver and kidneys, fostering vitality to strengthen the body's resistance to disease.Based on the above reasoning, the following remedy has achieved that requirement, including: 20g of birth, 20g of Ha Thu O, 12g of scratched grass, 12g of tonic bone, 10g of elephant trunk, 10g of gas core. Dandelion 20g, blood 12g, hy thiem 12g, dandelion 12g, millennium bales 10g, bone pain 10g.The function of each flavor in the remedy:Rhizoma Rehmanniae: The dried rhizome of Rehmannia glutinosa Libosch "gaertn"), family Scrophulariaceae, has the effect of tonic, blood-stimulating, and blood-stimulating - used against anemia, depression, in addition to help diuretic, strong heart.Scratched grass (Achyranthes bidentata Blume: Amaranthaceae family) is used as a medicine for arthritis, back, knee, bone pain, dissolving hematomas, and tonic for the liver and kidneys.Blood wisteria (Caulis sargentodoxae): the part used is the stem of the dried wisteria.Bitter, average.Effective against leprosy, meridian system, diuretic, antiseptic;Nourishing blood, blood onions, strong tendons and bones - main treatment for low back pain, body aches and pains.The taste of heliotrope: family of Bonaginaceae, used to treat rheumatism, clear meridians, reduce heat, treat boils, inflammation and dissolve blood clots.Ha Thu O (Radix Polygoni multiflori): The medicinal part includes the dried roots and tubers of Polygonum multiflorum Thumb.Blood tonic effect, treat nervous weakness, strengthen tendons and bones.Dandelion (Lactuca Indica Lin): family Compositae.Has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, sedative and tonic properties.Hy thiem (Sieges beckia orientalis L.): family Compositae.Often used as a medicine to treat bone pain, except for rheumatism, cold sore muscles, paralysis of the body, numbness of the back and knees.Rhizoma Drynariae fortunei: The medicinal part includes the rhizome of the tonic plant (Drynaria fortuei J-sm), dry properties, mildness, the effect of curing bone pain, dispersing hematomas, antiseptic, and analgesic. .It is a medicine that slows down and tonics the kidneys, fosters vitality.Gas core (Radix Polygoni Cuspidati): the part used is the dried root of the gas plant (Polygonumreynontria Makino);belongs to the family Polygonaceae.The effect of low numbness, pain relief from falls, injuries and diuretic.Bone pain cord (Tinospora Sinensis Men): has the effect of curing rheumatism, bone pain, human pain.Rhizoma Homalomenae: The medicinal part includes the dried stem and roots of the fenugreek (Homalomenae aff sagittaefolia Jungh), family Araceae.Used to treat rheumatism, strengthen tendons and bones, relieve pain - Usually used for the elderly or for bone and joint pain.The millennium is both a tonic and a digestive aid.Party ginseng (Radix codonopsis): the medicinal herb is the dried root of many types of codonopsis.Campanulaccae (Campanulaccae).It is considered that ginseng can replace ginseng - a body tonic, energy booster, anti-anemic, expectorant;tonify spleen, taste, and diuretic.Thus, the combination of the above twelve herbs is perfect, achieving the reasoning of the principle of rheumatism treatment, always supporting and enhancing the therapeutic effect together.The above remedy depends on the circumstances, conditions and medical conditions of each person that apply.This scale can be used in two forms, such as soaking in alcohol or decoction to drink.If soaked in alcohol: for every 1 drug ladder above, it needs to be soaked with 1 liter of water, ie 1,000ml of 400 white wine, leave for 3 days, add 500g of soluble sugar to 500ml of boiled water to cool, pour it in with the soaked wine. above.Drink 2-3 times a day, 10-20ml each time before going to bed, drink continuously for 1-2 months.Use a decoction: each ladder is put in 500ml of water and boil over low heat, cover the kettle until it's empty, about 150-200ml, then stop being sharp.Decant the medicinal water and divide it in half, drink 1/2 of that water each time, drink it hot.Use continuously for 20-25 days.Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disease, and there is currently no cure.The incidence of this disease is closely related to age, especially women, especially women after menopause.Overall, the rate of women with this disease is three times higher than that of men.Research shows that obesity is related to arthritis.Some people who do special jobs are also prone to osteoarthritis such as mining workers, heavy workers, athletes, dancers... mainly because the cartilage in the joints is always under pressure, so abrasion and injury caused.Sign in to commentLogin with socailYou have successfully submitted.Editor-in-Chief: TRAN TUAN LINHDeputy Editor-in-Chief: TO QUANG TRUNG (Permanent), TRAN YEN CHAU, NGUYEN NGOC DUC, NGUYEN CHI LONGPress operation license number 390/GP-BTTTT issued by the Ministry of Information and Communications on June 25, 2021© Copyright by Health and Life Online Newspaper - 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